Viewing license information for WebSphere Liberty operator

You must have a valid license to use WebSphere® Liberty operator.

Identifying the license

To determine which edition of WebSphere Application Server that you are using, run the following command on your container image:
docker run <my-image> /liberty/bin/productInfo version
If you purchased one of the following products, the product license overrides the one for the edition.
Table 1. Viewing license by product
Product entitlement source Version License
IBM Cloud Pak for Applications 5.2 5.2 L-YQXD-3APM2Q
WebSphere Hybrid Edition 5.1 5.1 L-AMIK-C92MN6
WebSphere Application Server Family Edition L-CTUR-CBPNQF
If you did not purchase one of these products, use the following table to identify the license.
Table 2. Viewing license by edition
Edition Version License
WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core L-LFJV-H3A67Z
WebSphere Application Server L-HXJS-CEJ4W6
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment L-RHQT-YQHKC7
WebSphere Application Server L-WEZF-M7U695
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment L-KKWY-WGVUVZ