Personal information

If you are a returning user with a username and password, please sign in.

Required information is marked with an asterisk (*). Enter information on this page in the Roman alphabet. (Alphanumeric)

By accessing this website and checking the box below you understand and agree to the terms set forth in this Candidate Agreement (“Agreement”). This Agreement is entered into by and between you as a test taker, Pearson VUE, a business of NCS Pearson, Inc., and your testing program owner (“Test Sponsor”). This Agreement represents your understanding and acceptance of Pearson VUE’s Privacy and Cookies Policy - Opens in new tab, including the collection of your data and the monitoring of your entire testing session through the use CCTV and Pearson VUE’s Terms of Service Policy - Opens in new tab, in conjunction with your acceptance of the policies and procedures as established by the Test Sponsor and our obligations to process your test results.

Data Collection

Data Processing

Data Transfer


Palm Vein Consent

By clicking the “Agree” button, you acknowledge that you understand, agree, and explicitly consent to the terms contained in this Agreement. If you do not agree to the policies and terms contained in this Agreement and you click “Previous” you will not be able to continue through this website registration and scheduling process and you will need to contact Pearson VUE for assistance.

Returning users, please sign in

Privacy Policy

If you have questions about how your personal information may be used, please read our Privacy Policy.


IMPORTANT: You must enter your first/given and last/surname/family name exactly as it appears on the identification (ID) you will present at the test center. If there is not an exact match, you will not be able to take your test and you will not be reimbursed for any fees paid.


Most email correspondence is sent immediately, but some may take up to 24 hours. If you do not receive an email, please check your spam or bulk email folder. We never sell email addresses. - Opens in new window