API Connect licenses

When you install a new version of API Connect, you must accept a license for the API Connect program that you purchased.

When you install or upgrade API Connect, the procedures include instructions for specifying your license. Be sure to specify a License ID from the version of API Connect that your installing, or are upgrading to.

Beginning with API Connect, the licenses in Table 1 will be used as the master mod-level license for all Fix Pack and security roll-up releases in this stream. There are no changes to license terms, only updates to open-source notices documented in the notes for each.

Table 1. API Connect 10.0.7 licenses
License ID Program Name URL
L-MMBZ-295QZQ IBM API Connect Enterprise V10.0.7.0 https://ibm.biz/BdMLs3
L-GGQD-G7AYJD IBM Cloud Pak for Integration - API Calls 2023.4.1 https://ibm.biz/BdMLiR
L-JWFC-XU2KXR IBM API Connect Enterprise Add-on for IBM Products V10.0.7.0 https://ibm.biz/BdMLsb
L-LHBS-DGEM6J IBM API Connect Professional V10.0.7.0 https://ibm.biz/BdMLsi
Table 2. API Connect 10.0.6 licenses
License ID Program Name URL
L-KZXM-S7SNCU IBM API Connect Enterprise V10.0.6.0 https://ibm.biz/BdPJsn
L-NRHE-WFD7EY IBM Cloud Pak for Integration - API Calls 2023.2.1 https://ibm.biz/BdPJse
L-TBPQ-X87AGB IBM API Connect Enterprise Add-on for IBM Products V10.0.6.0 https://ibm.biz/BdPJsb
L-FNPP-MXMAH5 IBM API Connect Professional V10.0.6.0 https://ibm.biz/BdPJsp