Roles and access rights

Users in IBM® Storage Insights are assigned roles. Roles determine the level of access that users have to product features. There are two roles in IBM Storage Insights: Administrator (Subscription administrator) and Monitor (License user)

Owners of an IBM Storage Insights service are assigned the role of Administrator. When they log in to the service for the first time, they can create user accounts and assign the Administrator role to a member of their organization.
Tip: To determine the role of the user who is logged in, hover over the user icon User icon in the upper-right corner of any page in the GUI.
The access rights that are associated with the Administrator role and Monitor role for IBM Storage Insights Pro and IBM Storage Insights are as follows:
Table 1. Roles and access rights
Role Access rights

Administrator (Subscription administrator)

Access all monitoring and administrative features, including adding devices for monitoring, and removing and upgrading data collectors.
  • You need to be a administrator for deploying a data collector.
  • Assign the Administrator role to two users. If one administrator is unavailable, the other administrator can add or remove users and access all of the features of the offerings.
  • Assign the Administrator role to users who will be responsible for upgrading data collectors, when needed. Only users with the Administrator role can perform an upgrade.

Monitor (License User)

IBM Storage Insights
Users with the Monitor role can:
  • View Call Home events for IBM block storage
  • View key capacity and performance information
  • Open tickets for IBM block storage systems
  • Upload and attach diagnostic packages to tickets
  • Start a trial of the full version of IBM Storage Insights Pro
IBM Storage Insights Pro
Users with the Monitor role can access all the features of IBM Storage Insights plus the following features:
  • View and export information about all monitored resources
  • View all of the capacity and performance information that is collected for block, file, and object storage systems
  • View, acknowledge, and remove alerts
  • Open management GUIs
  • View and run the reports that are created by users with an Administrator role and shown on the Reports page
User roles for collecting metadata: Roles in IBM Storage Insights are different from the user roles for collecting metadata. Roles for collecting metadata are associated with the users that you specify when you add devices for monitoring. These roles determine the type of metadata that you can collect about the devices. For information about the required roles for collecting metadata from devices, see User roles for collecting metadata.