Dispatcher domain: Global statistics

You can retrieve dispatcher domain global statistics by using the EXEC CICS EXTRACT STATISTICS DISPATCHER system command. They are mapped by the DFHDSGDS DSECT.

Table 1. Dispatcher domain: Global statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description
Dispatcher Start Date and Time DSGLSTRT is the date and time at which the CICS® dispatcher started. This value can be used as an approximate time at which CICS started. The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as day/month/year hours:minutes:seconds.decimals; however, the DSECT field contains the time as a store clock (STCK) value in local time.

Reset characteristic: not reset


NOT IN DFHSTUP REPORT DSGSTART is the time at which the dispatcher started. This value can be used as an approximate time at which CICS started. The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as hours:minutes:seconds.decimals; however, the DSECT field contains the time as a store clock (STCK) value in GMT.

Reset characteristic: not reset


Address Space CPU Time DSGEJST is the total CPU time for all TCBs in this address space, accumulated during the interval. The DFHSTUP report expresses this as days-hours:minutes:seconds.decimals.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero


Address Space SRB Time DSGSRBT is the total CPU time for all service request blocks (SRB) executed in this address space, accumulated during the interval. The DFHSTUP report expresses this as days-hours:minutes:seconds.decimals.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero


Current number of dispatcher tasks DSGCNT is the current number of dispatcher tasks in the system. This figure includes all system tasks and all user tasks.

Reset characteristic: not reset


Peak number of dispatcher tasks DSGPNT is the peak value of the number of dispatcher tasks concurrently in the system.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value


Current ICV time (msec) DSGICVT is the ICV time value (expressed in milliseconds) specified in the SIT, or as an override, or changed dynamically using the EXEC CICS SET SYSTEM TIME(fullword binary data-value) command.

Reset characteristic: not reset


Current ICVR time (msec) DSGICVRT is the ICVR time value (expressed im milliseconds) specified in the SIT, or as an override, or changed dynamically using the EXEC CICS SET SYSTEM TIME(fullword binary data-value) command.

Reset characteristic: not reset


Current ICVTSD time (msec) DSGICVSD is the ICVTSD time value (expressed in milliseconds) specified in the SIT, or as an override, or changed dynamically using the EXEC CICS SET SYSTEM SCANDELAY(fullword binary data-value) command.

Reset characteristic: not reset


Current PRTYAGE time (msec) DSGPRIAG is the PRTYAGE time value (expressed in milliseconds) specified in the SIT, or as an override, or changed dynamically using the EXEC CICS SET SYSTEM AGING(fullword binary data-value) command.

Reset characteristic: not reset


Current MRO (QR) Batching (MROBTCH) value DSGMBTCH is the MROBTCH value specified in the SIT, or as an override, or changed dynamically using the EXEC CICS SET SYSTEM MROBATCH(fullword binary data-value) command.

Reset characteristic: not reset


Start of changeLast Excess TCB ScanEnd of change Start of changeDSGLXSCNEnd of change Start of changeThe date and time of the last CICS dispatcher excess MVS™ TCB scan.

If the DFHSTUP report shows the date and time as --/--/---- --:--:--:---- then that indicates then an excess TCB scan has not happened yet.

Reset characteristic: not reset


End of change
Number of Excess TCB Scans DSGXSCNS is the number of CICS dispatcher excess MVS TCB scans.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero


Start of changeLast Excess TCB Scan–No TCB DetachedEnd of change Start of changeDSGLXSNDEnd of change Start of changeThe date and time of the last CICS dispatcher excess MVS TCB scan that did not detach any TCBs.

If the DFHSTUP report shows the date and time as --/--/---- --:--:--:---- then that indicates then an excess TCB scan has not happened yet.

Reset characteristic: not reset


End of change
Number of Excess TCB Scans–No TCB Detached DSGXSCNN is the number of excess MVS TCB scans that resulted in no MVS TCBs being detached by the CICS dispatcher.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero


Number of Excess TCBs Detached DSGXTCBD is the total number of MVS TCBs that have been detached by the CICS dispatcher's excess MVS TCB management processing.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero


Average Excess TCBs Detached per Scan Not Applicable is the average number of MVS TCBs that have been detached by each scan of the CICS dispatcher's excess MVS TCB management processing.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero


Number of CICS TCB MODEs DSGASIZE is the current number of CICS TCB modes in which the CICS dispatcher is managing MVS task control blocks (TCBs) in the system.

Reset characteristic: not reset


Number of CICS TCB POOLs DSGPSIZE is the number of TCB pools in which the CICS dispatcher is managing MVS task control blocks (TCBs) in the system under which the CICS dispatcher runs.

Reset characteristic: not reset