IBM Support

ITM Agent Insights: How to Configure the VIOS Premium Agent

Technical Blog Post


ITM Agent Insights: How to Configure the VIOS Premium Agent


Step A) Ensure that the ITM VIOS Premium Agent is installed.

In VIOS 3.x (and earlier), the ITM  VIOS Premium Agent comes pre-installed with VIOS.  

In VIOS 4.x (and later), the agent needs to be installed separately first.  Details on downloading the image can be obtained from:

IBM Tivoli Monitoring: System P Agents 6.2.2 Fix Pack 4 readme


Step B) Configure the agent from the VIOS system:                                            

  • Login as padmin    
  • Configure the agent by using the cfgsvc command.                                                     
cfgsvc <product name> -attr Restart_On_Reboot=TRUE hostname=<tems_server> managing_system=<hmc-name>
Above, replace:

<product name> with ITM_premium for VIOS Agent
<tems-server> with the hostname or IP address of your TEMS
<hmc-name> is the name of the HMC

The cfgsvc command creates the keys necessary for communication.  However, for ssh communication to be set up, you need to transfer the keys. The procedure needs to be completed on the HMC and you have to login as hscroot.                        

Step C) From the HMC system:                                                 
To find out what the public key is that was generated by the cfgsvc command, issue the viosvrcmd command:

viosvrcmd -m <CEC> -p <partition-name> -c "cfgsvc ITM_premium -key"      
Above, <CEC> is the name of the frame on which the VIOS partition exists
<partition-name> is what you would see under "Active Profile" from the HMC web interface for the VIOS partition.

The command returns a key. You can then authorize a connection to the HMC from the VIOS partition by running:

mkauthkeys --add '<public-key>'

This command finalizes the setup of ssh communication keys between the VIOS Lpar and the HMC. If you want to test to make sure, you can go to the AIX shell from the VIOS machine by running:

and then try an ssh to the HMC:
#ssh hscroot@<hmc-hostname>                                              
It should NOT ask for a password.

Step D) Start the VIOS agent as padmin

$startsvc ITM_premium

To stop the VIOS agent, use the command:

$stopsvc ITM_premium     


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