How to set up minishift on both Windows 10 and macOS

2 min readJan 8, 2020

Guidance on how to install/setup minishift which is the local Openshift cluster on your computer.


It’s quite simple to do it on macOS, the things that you need to download are

  1. Docker Desktop for mac
  2. OC cli tool :
  3. minishift : both 2) and 3) need to be set include into $PATH
# install brew (please skip this if you already have brew installed)
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
# install hyperkit
$ brew reinstall hyperkit
# install docker driver for hyperkit
$ brew install docker-machine-driver-hyperkit
# install minishift
$ brew cask install minishift
# force update minishift
$ brew cask install --force minishift
# start minishift
$ minishift start --vm-driver hyperkit

# [Optional] start minishift with logs via console
$ minishift start --vm-driver hyperkit --show-libmachine-logs --logtostderr -v5
output while setting up minishift in macOS

Windows 10

It’s probably not straight- forward as macOS but it’s not rocket science. First of all, the Docker Desktop is not recommended for Windows 10 machine because Docker Desktop, by default for Windows 10, works with Hyper-V which requires more steps in order to get minishift up running. So my advice here to uninstall Docker Desktop on Windows 10.

First of all, Hyper-V comes with Windows 10 and must be disabled prior to installing minishift and other cli tools

start from Control Panel > Programs > Turn Windows features on or off

A new window will pop here and look for Hyper-V and make sure that you disable it.

Next, here are things that need to be installed

  1. Docker Toolbox
  2. OC — CLI tool
  3. Minishift — CLI tool
  4. VirtualBox use this instead of Hyper-V
  • ทำการ Configure ให้ Minishift สร้าง VM โดยใช้ VirtualBox
# configure minishift to use virtualbox vm
$ minishift config set vm-driver virtualbox
# start minishift on virtual box
$ minishift start --vm-driver virtualbox

I hope this guidance will benefit to those who would like to give a try on playing with the local Openshift cluster.

Please give me a clap if you find that this blog is useful, thank you.




Azure Solution Architect, DevOps Expert, Software Architect, Kubernetes