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WAS VM Quickstarter

IBM WebSphere Application Server for IBM Cloud Private VM Quickstarter provides the WebSphere product experience in a cloud environment by enabling self-service creation of preconfigured WebSphere environments running in virtual machines. Throughout this document, the service is also referred to as WAS VM Quickstarter.


The WAS VM Quickstarter brings the WebSphere experience to the cloud so that you can leverage existing scripts and skills to provide a supported, cloud-managed environment for hosting WebSphere applications. WebSphere Application Server provides flexible, secure Java runtimes that easily serve up everything from single, lightweight applications and microservices to large enterprise cloud deployments.

The service management console installed by this Helm chart provides the self-service portal that is used to create and manage VM-based WAS assets. Behind the scenes, the service console applications use IBM Cloud Automation Manager to provide the orchestrations that stand up these deployments in a VMWare datacenter that you define in the Helm chart.

Setting up the WAS VM Quickstarter

See Installing WAS VM Quickstarter for a complete set of installation instructions for the service. This Helm chart is a part of the overall installation instructions.

Chart Details

The Helm chart deploys the following components:

  • wasaas-console Kubernetes pod which hosts the self-service console application.
  • wasaas-broker Kubernetes pod which hosts the self-service REST APIs.
  • wasaas-cloudsm-frontend Kubernetes pod which hosts the front end of the service management framework.
  • wasaas-cloudsm-backend Kubernetes pod which hosts the back end of the service management framework.
  • wasaas-couchdb Kubernetes pod which hosts the CouchDB NoSQL datastore that stores the service management data for the service.
  • wasaas-dashboard Kubernetes pod which hosts the administrative dashboard application.
  • wasaas-devops Kubernetes pod which hosts devops scripts, such as must-gather and installation verification test (IVT) scripts.
  • Ingresses for the wasaas-console, wasaas-dashboard, and wasaas-broker pods.


The following prerequisites apply only to deploying the Helm chart. For a detailed list of system installation prerequisites, see WAS VM Quickstarter Prerequisites.

A cluster administrator is required for OIDC registration for UI components and for creating custom cluster security policies.

PodSecurityPolicy Requirements

This chart requires a PodSecurityPolicy to be bound to the target namespace prior to installation. You can either use a predefined PodSecurityPolicy or have your cluster administrator set up a custom PodSecurityPolicy for you.

Predefined PodSecurityPolicy

The chart can be used with the ibm-anyuid-psp predefined PodSecurityPolicy.

Custom PodSecurityPolicy

To set up a custom PodSecurityPolicy, the cluster administrator can either manually create the following resources, or use the configuration scripts to create and delete the resources.

  • Custom PodSecurityPolicy definition:

    apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
    kind: PodSecurityPolicy
      name: ibm-was-vm-quickstarter-psp
      allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
      - '*'
        rule: RunAsAny
      - ALL
      - CHOWN
      - KILL
      - FOWNER
      - SETUID
      - SETGID
        rule: RunAsAny
        rule: RunAsAny
        rule: RunAsAny
      - configMap
      - emptyDir
      - projected
      - secret
      - downwardAPI
      - persistentVolumeClaim
  • Custom ClusterRole for the custom PodSecurityPolicy:

    kind: ClusterRole
      name: ibm-was-vm-quickstarter-clusterrole
    - apiGroups:
      - extensions
      - ibm-was-vm-quickstarter-psp
      - podsecuritypolicies
      - use
    Configuration scripts can be used to create the required resources

    Download the following scripts located at /ibm_cloud_pak/pak_extensions/pre-install directory.

    • The pre-install instructions are located at clusterAdministration/ for cluster administrators to create the PodSecurityPolicy and ClusterRole for all releases of this chart.

    • The namespace scoped instructions are located at namespaceAdministration/ for team administrators/operators to create the RoleBinding for the namespace. This script takes one argument; the name of a pre-existing namespace where the chart will be installed.

      • Example usage: ./ myNamespace
    Configuration scripts can be used to clean up resources created

    Download the following scripts located at /ibm_cloud_pak/pak_extensions/post-delete directory.

    • The post-delete instructions are located at clusterAdministration/ for cluster administrators to delete the PodSecurityPolicy and ClusterRole for all releases of this chart.

    • The namespace scoped instructions are located at namespaceAdministration/ for team administrators/operators to delete the RoleBinding for the namespace. This script takes one argument; the name of the namespace where the chart was installed.

      • Example usage: ./ myNamespace

Persistent Volumes

The WAS VM Quickstarter service requires the following persistent volumes:

  • CouchDB volume for service management data (10 GB or larger)

    The WAS VM Quickstarter service requires a persistent volume to host a CouchDB database to store service data. The volume relates the data for a particular service instance to the specific resources that are assigned to the service instance. The volume must be configured with a storage capacity of at least 10 GB.

  • Optional: Migration volume (10 GB or larger)

    If the optional migration feature is enabled, a persistent volume is required to hold migration artifacts until the target WebSphere server or cell is provisioned. The migration persistent volume must reference an NFS server and have a storage capacity of at least 10 GB.

You can either define your persistent volumes in a YAML file or in the IBM Cloud Private user interface.

Use a YAML file

Create a pv.yaml file that defines the CouchDB volume. Use the values in the following example, replacing the items in <brackets>. This example uses an NFS server, but you can use any shared server supported by IBM Cloud Private. The NFS or other shared server must be set up before you create the persistent volume.

kind: PersistentVolume
apiVersion: v1
 name: data-<release-name>-ibm-was-vm-quickstarter-couchdb-0
   component: "couchdb"
   release: "<release-name>"
   storage: 10Gi
 - ReadWriteOnce
 persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
   path: /nfs/wasaas/<environment-name>/couchdb-0
   server: <nfs-server-address>

Run the following command to create the volume:

kubectl create -f pv.yaml

Optional: If you want to enable migration, create an additional persistent volume pv-migration.yaml file and use the values in the following example, replacing the items in <brackets>. This persistent volume will be used by the migration feature.

kind: PersistentVolume
apiVersion: v1
  name: data-<release-name>-ibm-was-vm-quickstarter-migration
    component: "migration"
    release: "<release-name>"
    storage: 10Gi
  - ReadWriteMany
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
    path: /nfs/wasaas/<environment-name>/<release-name>/migration
    server: <nfs-server-address>

Run the following command to create the migration volume:

kubectl create -f pv-migration.yaml

For more information about performing a migration, see Migrating applications to WAS VM Quickstarter.

Use the UI

For information about creating persistent volumes by using the user interface, see Creating a PersistentVolume in the IBM Cloud Private documentation. Use the corresponding values from the YAML example


Cloud Automation Manager

The WAS VM Quickstarter service also requires a secret to be created that contains CAM administrator user name and password.

You can either define the secret using the kubectl command or in the IBM Cloud Private user interface.

For example, when using kubectl, run the following command to create the secret:

kubectl create secret generic cam-credentials --from-literal='username=myadmin' --from-literal='password=mypassword'

You will need to pass the secret name as the cam.secret parameter during Helm chart installation.

Resources Required

For a detailed list of required system resources such as CPU, memory, and disk space, see WAS VM Quickstarter Prerequisites.

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

$ helm install --tls --name my-release stable/ibm-was-vm-quickstarter-dev

The command deploys ibm-was-vm-quickstarter-dev on the Kubernetes cluster in the default namespace. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

Tip: List all releases using helm list --tls.

Verifying the Chart

Verify that your Kubernetes pods were deployed successfully. See the instruction after the Helm installation completes. The instruction can also be displayed by viewing the installed Helm release under Menu -> Workloads -> Helm Releases or by running the command: helm status <release> --tls.

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment:

$ helm delete --tls --purge my-release

The command removes all of the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the ibm-was-vm-quickstarter-dev chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
environment The environment name for this WAS VM Quickstarter instance CAM
cam.ip IP address of the Cloud Automation Manager that the WAS VM Quickstarter will target for WAS deployments
cam.port The port address of CAM 30000
cam.secret A secret name that contains CAM administrator user name and password
cam.cloudConnectionName The CAM connection name vm-quickstarter-connection
cam.contentRuntimeName The CAM content runtime name that will host the WAS VM Quickstarter orchestration artifacts vm-quickstarter-runtime
vsphere.osAdminUser The OS image administrator user name
vsphere.osAdminPassword The OS image administrator user password
vsphere.osImage The OS image deployed in the vSphere datacenter, which the WAS VM Quickstarter uses to host the WAS deployments
vsphere.rootDiskSize The disk size of the OS image. 25 GB is recommended
vsphere.rootDiskDatastore The name of the data store that hosts the image
vsphere.resourcePool The name of the vSphere resource pool to target for WAS deployments
vsphere.folder The name of the vSphere folder to use as target for WAS deployments
vsphere.domain The name of the vSphere domain to use as target for WAS deployments
vsphere.datacenter The name of the vSphere datacenter to use as target for WAS deployments.
vsphere.networkInterfaceLabel The name of the vSphere network interface label to use as target for WAS deployments
vsphere.dnsServers The IP addresses of the DNS servers to configure for WAS deployments
vsphere.dnsSuffxies The DNS domain suffix to use for host name and URLs for WAS deployments
vsphere.ipv4Gateway The IP address of the IPv4 gateway to use for WAS deployments
vsphere.ipv4PrefixLength The length of your IPv4 prefix
vsphere.ipPool A comma separated list of IP addresses to be used as host IPs for WAS virtual machine deployments. See Prerequisites for details
console.image.repository WAS VM Quickstarter console Docker image repository ibmcom/wasaas-console
console.image.tag WAS VM Quickstarter console Docker image tag 3.0.0
console.ingress.path WAS VM Quickstarter console ingress path /wasaas-console/
broker.image.repository WAS VM Quickstarter broker Docker image repository ibmcom/wasaas-wasdevaas
broker.image.tag WAS VM Quickstarter broker Docker image tag 3.0.0
broker.ingress.path WAS VM Quickstarter broker ingress path /wasaas-broker/
cloudsm.image.repository WAS VM Quickstarter service management Docker image repository ibmcom/wasaas-cloudsm
cloudsm.image.tag WAS VM Quickstarter service management Docker image tag 3.0.0
cloudsm.capacity Resource capacity in service blocks 10
dashboard.image.repository WAS VM Quickstarter dashboard Docker image repository ibmcom/wasaas-dashboard
dashboard.image.tag WAS VM Quickstarter dashboard Docker image tag 3.0.0
dashboard.ingress.path WAS VM Quickstarter dashboard ingress path /wasaas-dashboard/
devops.image.repository WAS VM Quickstarter devOps Docker image repository ibmcom/wasaas-devops
devops.image.tag WAS VM Quickstarter devOps Docker image tag 3.0.0
couchdb.image.repository WAS VM Quickstarter CouchDB Docker image repository couchdb
couchdb.image.tag WAS VM Quickstarter CouchDB Docker image tag 2.1.1
couchdb.persistentVolume.useDynamicProvisioning Indicates whether to use dynamic provisioning false
couchdb.persistentVolume.size Persistent volume size 10Gi
couchdb.persistentVolume.storageClass Persistent volume storage class
iam.endpoint IAM endpoint address. For example: https://<master_ip>:8443
migration.enabled Enabled is true if the migration feature is enabled false
migration.mountPoint The directory path of the migration store on the NFS server
migration.serverAddress The IP address or host name of the NFS server
image.pullPolicy The pull policy for the WAS VM Quickstarter Docker images IfNotPresent
redhatSatellite.ip The IP address of the Red Hat Satellite server.
redhatSatellite.fqdn The fully qualified domain name of the Red Hat Satellite server.
redhatSatellite.organization The organization name for the Red Hat Satellite subscription.
redhatSatellite.activationKey The activation key for the Red Hat Satellite subscription.

You should create a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters that can be used when installing the chart. Alternatively, specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument when you run the helm install command.


  • You can deploy the Helm chart multiple times by using different Helm releases. If you target the same Cloud Automation Manager and vSphere environments, care must be given to set the capacity and IP addresses to not collide with other instances of the WAS VM Quickstarter service.
  • WAS VM Quickstarter supports x86-64 platforms only.


For administrators

See the following pages within this documentation:

For WebSphere Application Server users