Generating migration reports with the console

You can generate migration reports from the administrative console. The reports identify changes that you need to make to your enterprise applications to migrate them to a Liberty server.

Generate a migration report for your application with the console

  1. In the administrative console, click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > application_name to access the enterprise application collection page.
  2. Select one or more applications to analyze.
  3. Optional: Click Analyze > Configure scanner and set scanner preferences.
  4. Click Analyze > Run scanner to generate a migration report for each selected application.

    After the scan is completed, a summary of the results is displayed. Applications that are ready to move to Liberty are tagged with the Done Done icon. Applications that might need attention before they are moved to Liberty are flagged with one or more icons. When the scanner detects APIs that are not available in Liberty or behavioral changes that can break an application, they are labeled as severe issues and are flagged with the Severe Severe Issues icon. If the scanner detects APIs or behavioral changes that need further evaluation, they are labeled as warnings and flagged with the Warnings Warnings icon. Deprecated APIs or minor behavioral changes that don't affect most applications are labeled informational and flagged with the Recommendations Recommendations icon. For more information about these icons, see the enterprise application collection page.

  5. Click the Report link and view the Application Migration Report.
  6. To enable your application to migrate to a Liberty server, change your application as noted in its report.
Running the application scanner

Application Migration Report

Details of the analysis are available in the Application Migration Report. There are three parts to the migration report. The first part is the Technology Evaluation Summary, which indicates which IBM® platforms are a good fit with the technologies that are used by the application. The second part is a Migration Rule Severity Summary that shows how many rules were flagged and the number of times each was encountered. The last part is the Application Migration Details, which is divided into four sections.

The first section, Technology Evaluation Summary, provides a table of the technologies that are detected and matching IBM platforms. Technologies that are not supported are linked to analysis rules listed in the second section, the Detailed Migration Analysis, where all the flagged rules are listed along with rule-specific help information. The Detailed Migration Analysis also identifies the file names and line numbers where the rule infractions were detected. The Inventory section, provides a high-level view of the content and structure of the application. The final section, Liberty Feature List, contains a list of all the required features for the application in the Liberty server.xml configuration file.

Viewing the Application Migration Report

What to do next

Migration reports can be deleted by selecting one or more applications from the enterprise applications collection and then choosing the Delete report option under the Analyze button. Additionally, when applications are uninstalled or redeployed, the migration reports for these applications automatically get deleted. This action is done to avoid there being a mismatch between the information that is contained in a migration report and the version of the application that is available in the console.