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GDPS Continuous Availability Survey

1. What is your role within your company? 
2. What are the recovery time objectives (RTO) for your business critical workloads (both unplanned and planned outages)?
3. Is your company using any GDPS offerings?
4. If you answered "Yes" to question 3, which ones are you using? (Select all that apply.) 
5. Were you previously aware of GDPS Continuous Availability (formerly known as GDPS Active/Active)? 
6. If you answered "Yes" to question 5, how did you hear about GDPS Continuous Availability? (Select all that apply.)
7. Do you have interests to know more about GDPS Continuous Availability?
8. If you answered "Yes" to question 7, how would you like to get news about GDPS Continuous Availability? (Select all that apply.)
9. What area of GDPS Continuous Availability would you like to learn more about? (Select all that apply.)
Thank you for your feedback!