IBM Support

Setting up Clustering

Question & Answer


Setting up Clustering


TITLE: Setting up Clustering

As of Version 7.4, Secret Server supports clustering the web servers, with licensing for a Secret Server Premium add-on or Enterprise Plus edition.

Setting up Clustering
1. Have Secret Server upgraded\installed and running on the primary server.
2. Enable Clustering by going to the Administration menu, click Server nodes.
3. Copy the entire Secret Server application folder (typically c:\inetpub\wwwroot\SecretServer) from the primary node to the secondary node. Follow the steps in the Installation Guide for setting up the application pool and virtual directory in IIS. If you use DPAPI encryption for your encryption.config file, you will need to transfer the un-DPAPI-encrypted version of the file to the secondary node. You can turn on DPAPI encryption from that server node locally after Secret Server is running. This setting can be found under ADMIN > Configuration > Security.
4. If running 8.9.300000 versions of Secret Server and older, ensure the server has the same date time as the primary server.
5. Once the secondary server is running navigate to Secret Server on that node to go through the DB Connection reset page for connecting to the database. Instructions for how to do this are in this KB article.
6. Activate licenses for the new node (this can be done on either server once the database connection is established on the secondary node).
7. Configure your load balancer for the two sites and to have sticky sessions to prevent a user from bouncing between server on each request.
Upgrading in a Clustering environment
Note: Before performing ANY UPGRADES see the Knowledge Base article Upgrading Secret Server - Single Instance & Web Clustering for important steps to ensure your data is backed up.
1. Perform a backup of the primary server.
2. Stop the application pool on additional web servers but the primary web server.
3. Perform the upgrade as with a single instance.
4. Once upgraded and working, copy the web application folder (without the database.config or encryption.config files) to all secondary servers.
5. Start Secondary Server and confirm they still work.
Making a server in your cluster the primary
1. On the server you will make the primary node, navigate to Secret Server locally.
2. Log in as an administrator, and click Server Nodes from the Administration menu.
3. Click the Make Current Node Primary button.
4. Refresh the Clustering Log on that page to ensure the change is in effect.
Clustering Errors Condition:
· If the Encryption configs don't match - see this KB article
· Server Dates don't match (pre-8.9.300000 versions of Secret Server ONLY) - if the dates on the web servers do not match the audit records could be bad. The fix is to set the servers to the same time.
· Version does not match - If a secondary node is not properly updated from the primary node after an upgrade, that node will not run because the application version does not match the database. To fix this copy the application folder (minus the database.config) to replace the files on the secondary server.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSWHLP","label":"IBM Security Secret Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"10.4","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

